My 'amateur' photographer partner inspired me as a professional photographer

Yes, I’m a professional photographer. My partner is a professional Editor (moving image). He dabbles in film and digital photography, in the same way, I dabble in filming things occasionally (hell even directing earlier this year!). Can you see why we’re a good match?

He considers himself an amateur but he’s a talented sod so I personally wouldn’t put him in that category.

His love of film is inspiring in itself, he understands film better than I ever have, better than anyone I’ve actually met, to be honest. He intuitively knows, has so many rolls of film in our house, a fair few different film cameras and I didn’t think I was interested before. But I am.

His passion is infectious.

I love it when he gets film developed and when he scans it in, I love seeing how it’s come out. How different films look. I’ve NEVER cared before. I don’t have a good track record with film but I love watching him grab a film camera when we’re going out of the door. It reminds me photography isn’t just my career, it’s something I loved regardless of pure income-based. You can follow him on Instagram @thedon_jones or check out his website

So, as I’ve spent a year with this talent, I started to reflect on my relationship with film. I see what Don can achieve with film and with his understanding of it could help me get a foothold on potential film in the future. I want to be able to get a film camera on sets, do some really lovely behind-the-scenes on film. Having to wait for it, not knowing what’s come out and such would be such a thrill. So in this new year I hope to make this happen.


Photography confession - I really hate lightroom


Photographers - what is the one thing you wish existed?