Photographers - what is the one thing you wish existed?

So when I was writing my blog post about how I have a medical condition which means wearing a normal camera strap causes me extreme pain so I found alternatives, I started thinking about how photographers, in general, do put our bodies under some stresses that don’t come with any alternatives.

The one thing I wish existed right now?


Yes, there’s a screen that does pretty much the same, BUT on a film set if you don’t want any light whatsoever then using the screen can be a bit of a dangerous game to play, could get you kicked off the set. Quite often I’m crouched somewhere, in a corner, being as quiet as possible. My legs are used to this, my feet are getting there but still sulk with me when I get up. My neck though, mentioning the issues above, cricking my neck for this long is not just a bit of a pain, it literally causes extraordinary pain for me.


Me; on set in the freezing cold!

For me it’s a simple reason, I guess for street photographers it would be handy too! But I’m aware there is not going to be a big demand for this so it’s unlikely it’ll ever happen but man, I wish it did! (If anyone know’s of something that would work LET ME KNOW AND I’LL BUY IT)

So fellow photographers, what do you wish existed?


My 'amateur' photographer partner inspired me as a professional photographer


Conventional camera straps hurt - here is what I use instead