Photographers - What do you wish you'd done through lockdown?

Here we are. A second lockdown (in the UK). I knew it was coming, a lot of us did. Seeing those figures rise steadily, seeing others in shops without masks, secret parties and even whole streets full of others partying. I knew the moment I was on set in London, I had to walk to the local shop to grab a drink, I ended up walking down the street with my mask on because not a single person cared about distancing and there were a lot of people. Nudging shoulders, small coughs echoing in my ears and even an older gentleman mocked me moving away from him at a traffic light as he tried to stand right next to me.

I digress. This isn’t about COVID-19. This is about the second lockdown.

So photographers, fellow creatives. What do you wish you’d done through the first lockdown?

I had plans. They got thrown in the sea within a couple of weeks. But dammit I tried.

  1. Keep up with my blog - failed that one.

  2. Get a video done (this nearly happened).

  3. Finish writing my book - laughing/crying at myself.

  4. Take photos every day - what on earth was I thinking.

  5. Get fitter - kinda happened, it’s now slipped...

So I made these big grand plans. Thinking I had all the time in the world. In the end, I actually ended up working more than I could have expected which was incredible. But here are some things I did do.

  1. Sorted my finances - this is so lame to write in a creative post but my god, the biggest weight is now off my shoulders and I am so settled that my future is a bit more financially secure.

  2. Got on set work - never thought I’d be on a film set through lockdown but alas I was!

  3. Networked and contacted some incredible people in the film industry - something that probably wouldn’t have been as easy without people at home locked to their emails.

  4. Decided to have laser hair removal - this is hilarious to write but I’ve wanted to do it for so long and always put it off. So glad I started the process because I ended up managing to trade for a photoshoot and it’s costing me a mere fraction. Trades are the best.

  5. Explored the area I live in - this was fun and helped my partner and I stay connected outside of the house whilst maintaining sanity.

  6. Got the majority of a video I wanted to do done - it’s nearly there!

  7. Learnt how to cut my own hair - a feat with a fringe.

  8. Invested in an underwater camera case - fuck yeah. We all know I love being in the water and was really struggling with not being able to do underwater photoshoots.


If I had the money I’d also take the plunge and get braces. Something I wanted for so long. It would take roughly 6 months and let’s face it we’ll be wearing masks for at least another 6 months so what a time to get braces! When you can cover your mouth with a mask! Ha. If only (I’m now googling finance for braces).

So some might sound silly. Granted. But a lot of it is self-worth and self-love. Something I’ve sorely deprived myself of for a very long time. So as much as I had grand photography plans I actually realised if I wanted to continue being a happy person, I need to put myself first sometimes to be the happiest and healthiest photographer I could be.

What are some things you wanted to do through the first lock-down but they didn’t happen?


Photographers! If not now, when?


Stop telling photographers they need to find their 'style'