I passively made £4783.65 this July through book cover photography

I beat my April statement!

Still in awe that my long term plan is paying off, massively. During this whole COVID-19 pandemic, finances are a constant state of worry for a lot of freelancers and especially photographers. Wedding photographers, full time ones, were suddenly looking at a year without their income. It sucks. It’s exactly why I came up with my long term plan, not because of a pandemic but just in case I needed more than a month or two off, let’s face it, burn out!

So overall in July I made £4783.65 not just that but I helped a few friends out with some website design stuff (Oh yeah I build and design websites on the side!) and took on a book cover commission, so yet again I can breath a sigh of relief and know I’m pretty good for the next couple of months at least.

Again I’ve included my statements so you can see, some books I have yet to find and some are older book covers I’ve already sold but are being re-licensed for other countries to use, which is great to see how that book is doing but also to get paid over and over again for the same image is always a big plus!

Another self portrait of mine, for the same author, was my highest seller this month, over £500.00! The Deadly Game!


Again, I stress, this is no humblebrag, show off post. This is a ‘you could actually do this too’ post. And you can. Whether it’s through book cover photography or not, I think it’s absolutely essential for photographers to create a passive income. So we can concentrate on the things we love to do.


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